Term 1, Week 6
Principal's Report - Newsletter Week 6
Thank you for everyone who was able to join us to celebrate Shrove Tuesday, it was wonderful to share in our first school event together. As we moved into Ash Wednesday, it provided the perfect opportunity to stop and evaluate. During this Lenten Season, a time of Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving for Catholics, we reflect on what we might give up or what we should do more of. My Lenten Promise is to listen more and speak less, God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. God bless us all during this Lenten Season.
School Uniform
After a long wait, our school trousers have finally arrived. Thank you for your patience. Please visit the school office if you need to update your child’s uniform.
Now that every part of the school uniform is available, I want to reemphasize the importance of wearing the correct uniform. Wearing the correct uniform fosters a great sense of belonging to our community and pride in one’s appearance. Let’s work together to ensure this is sustained.
A reminder that students need to wear their school hats during Term One and from 1 September (including for after-school sports and OSHC).
School Board and Annual General Meeting
The School Board AGM will be held on Thursday 20th March, at 7:00 pm. Doors will open at 6:30 pm for some nibbles and the chance to look through our reports and upcoming policies. This will also be the first opportunity to have your say about the future direction of the school.
We are also calling for nominations for the school board. The school board does not require a huge commitment. It involves two meetings each school term (7:00 – 8:30 pm, on a Thursday evening). The school board is important for hearing parent voices and is a great chance to meet other parents, offer ideas, and discuss school planning and future directions.
We are looking for parents who represent our school community, can think strategically, and support St Brigid’s School into the future. Please contact us either by telephoning the front office or by email at info@stb.catholic.edu.au.
School Fees
The first invoice for school fees went out in Week 5. Thank you for those families who have paid and or set up regular payment options, your school fees does contribute to the essential running of our school. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact myself or our bursar, Damien Emery. Damien works at St Brigid’s on Monday, Thursday, and Friday if you wish to arrange a meeting.
Thank you for your continued support, I look forward to seeing you at the AGM and working together to make this a wonderful year!
In Love, Peace and learning
Paula Burns
Innovation, Inclusion and Wellbeing
Upcoming Parent-Teacher Meetings
We are excited to announce that our Parent-Teacher Meetings will be held in Week 9, from Monday, March 24 to Thursday, March 27. These meetings are a wonderful opportunity for you to discuss your child's start to the school year with their teacher and to collaborate on strategies to support their learning journey.
To ensure that every parent has the chance to meet with their child's teacher, we will be sending out a form early next week. Please keep an eye out for this form and make sure to book a convenient time slot and to advise us if an interpreter is required.
We look forward to seeing you and working together to make this school year a successful and enriching experience for your child.
NAPLAN – Starts Wednesday
We would like to remind you that the NAPLAN assessments will begin on Wednesday, Week 7 (March 12th). These assessments are crucial for understanding your child's progress in key academic areas.
If your child is in Year 3 or Year 5, they will be sitting the tests on the following dates:
Wednesday, March 12th: Writing
Friday, March 14th: Reading
Tuesday, March 18th: Conventions of Language
Thursday, March 20th: Numeracy
If your child is absent on any of these days, they will have the opportunity to sit a catch-up test on another day.
To help your child perform their best, please ensure they have a good night's rest and a healthy breakfast on the day of the test. Encourage them to try their best and reassure them that these assessments are just one part of their learning journey.
Thank you for your support and cooperation.
Yours in Love, Peace and Learning,
Jason Puttnins
Assistant Principal - Innovation, Inclusion and Wellbeing

Leading from the Heart- Student Leadership Workshop
Last Tuesday, the Year 6 students participated in the Leading from the Heart: Student Leadership Workshop. Our school, St Brigid’s School was founded by The Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart and because of this, our school is an integral part of the OLSH story. Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College (OLSH), St Gabriel’s Enfield, St Martin’s and Immaculate Heart of Mary were involved in Leading from the Heart Student Workshop
Key aim for the day
By coming together as schools connected through the OLSH Charism, this Leadership workshop helps students to:
- Better understand the story of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart and their story
- Recognise that despite having our unique school contexts, we also have similarities that are connected through the OLSH pillars.
- Recognise the relevance of the OLSH pillars to all aspects of their lives.
- To identify how they can live out the OLSH pillars as leaders in their own school communities.
The day began with prayer and a getting to you activity, followed by a presentation on the History and OLSH Charism. Students from all schools then shared their school community, History and stories before we unpacked the OLSH pillars. In this session, students reflected on their understanding of the pillars, how they are lived out in their schools and how they can live them out as leaders. The day concluded with a liturgy.
Shrove Tuesday
We thank everyone for coming along and celebrating Pancake Tuesday with us on Tuesday 4th March. We shared the pancake feast together as we learned of the tradition of emptying your cupboards of treats before the start of Lent.
Ash Wednesday
On Wednesday the Year 3 to 6 Students joined in the Parish Mass for Ash Wednesday as we were invited to receive our Ashes as a symbol of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Ash Wednesday is also the beginning of Lent, the time in the Catholic calendar of repentance as we pray, fast and give Alms in the lead up to Easter.
Project Compassion
During lent we support the work of Caritas Australia by raising money for Project Compassion.
Lent is a special time of year. It is a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. As individuals we can help others, but when we come together though Project Compassion, our good becomes great. This year’s theme is Let’s all Unite Against Poverty! This year students will be hearing stories from people from around the world and how Caritas supports them through our giving during Project Compassion. Next week all students will be learning more about Project Compassion through Heart Learning and your child will have received a Project Compassion box. Please put any loose change in these and then return to school in week 11 where we will celebrate the joy of Easter with a Caritas Carnival in early term 2. Stay tuned for more information.
Children's Liturgy
St Brigid's Church in Kilburn, offer Children's Liturgy of the Word during the 9:00 AM Sunday Mass and is organised by staff members of St Brigid’s School. This program provides children with an age-appropriate understanding of the day's Gospel and helps them appreciate the structure and richness of the Liturgy of the Word.
Family Bingo Night
All families are invited to attend the Parish Family Bingo Night. It is a great night full of fun, lots of laughs and some great prizes to be won. All money raised will go towards purchasing a defibrillator for the church. Please see the flyer attached or please come and speak with me about coming along.
Yours in Love, Peace and Learning,
Michaela Edwards
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission

Leading from the Heart Day at OLSH College
Our Year 6 students recently had the opportunity to attend Leading from the Heart Day at OLSH College, where they were joined by students from four other primary schools that also share the Sacred Heart charism.
The day focused on what unites our schools under the OLSH charism, exploring both our shared values and the unique qualities that make each school special. Through engaging discussions and activities, students took a deep dive into the OLSH pillars and reflected on how these values will shape their leadership journey this year.
It was an inspiring and enriching experience, reinforcing the importance of leading with compassion, courage, and a strong sense of community. Our students returned with a deeper understanding of their role as leaders and a renewed commitment to living out the Sacred Heart charism in their daily lives and as leaders of our school.
Yours in Peace, Love and Learning
Rachael De Tullio

We have started our library borrowing for the year. The children are loving their outdoor library time and sitting in the courtyard to read for a while before returning to their learning spaces.
Reminder all library books need to be kept in your child’s school bag or reading folder so they can be returned each week. If the books are not returned your child is unable to borrow when their class comes to library time.
Scholastic Book Club
The second issue of scholastic book club was given out on Monday for your child to bring home. All orders will be required before Wednesday 19th March. All orders to school need to be placed in an envelope or zip lock bag with the correct money. Please remember to write Book Club and your child’s name on the front of the envelope or bag. This can be handed in to the front office or to your child’s teacher to go in the office box.
Thank you for your support ordering from the book club as it also helps us to receive new books for the school library.
In Love, Peace and Learning,
Mardi Ruediger
Library / Resource / ESO
Playgroups and English Classes
We have had a lovely time in playgroups over the past 2 weeks. It has been quieter than usual so we’ve enjoyed playing with the parachute! Warmer weather has meant we can get outside and do some water activities. We also have had activities to make pancakes and lanterns for Ramadan. Monday the 10th is a public holiday so there will be no playgroup on Monday. We will be back Wednesday 12th of March.
Playgroups are Mondays and Wednesdays 9-11am in the community hub/OSHC building for children 0-5years and their parents. All are welcome to join! It is free!
Our English classes run Thursdays 10-12pm. All are welcome to join though some level of English would be beneficial. We have child-minding available (in the same room) for children below school age.
If you would like to become a volunteer with the school, you can get a volunteer application pack from the front office. Becoming a volunteer means you can go on excursions with your child’s class, help with special events, and help in community hub. If you need help with your application, please contact me on; 0480 277 409
Yours in Love, Peace, and Learning
Community Hub Leader

OSHC Newsletter Week 5-6, 2025
We welcome back Mr Albert from his Long Service Leave.
Week 5: 24th – 28th of February
This week in OSHC, we explored the use of watercolours! Experimenting different techniques to create patterns, shapes and more! By blending and layering colours, the children got to design our new OSHC sign! This fun and creative activity helped develop and refine their collaborative and cooperative skills. It was awesome to see the children be so experimental with mixing colours, using splatter techniques and thinking outside the box! Students were so creative by using splatter techniques to add a more exciting element to the new OSHC sign (Learning Outcome 4.1)
Week 6: 3rd – 7th of March
This week in OSHC, we were celebrating Shrove Tuesday and for this day, the children attempted to make ‘pancake slime’. Although it did not turn out the way they hoped, the children were nonetheless enjoying the time to get a little messy and creative (Learning Outcome 4.2). In the following days, the children also got to design their own ‘birthday circle’ which provided them to opportunity to showcase their individuality and autonomy – harnessing their interest and transferring that on their design (Learning Outcome 1.2).
Due to ongoing renovation projects at the school, we have had to make some changes to the transition of the students and staff to and from OSHC and School. This is due to the OSHC (Out of School Hours Care) facility no longer being accessible via the gate that links it directly to the school grounds. As a result, OSHC students and educators will need to cross the Church car park to travel between the school and the OSHC facility. This route will also be used for accessing toilet facilities.
A comprehensive risk assessment, including a step-by-step procedure, has been compiled to ensure the safety and well-being of OSHC students and staff. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or wish to see a copy of the risk assessment and procedures in place.
Yours in Love, Peace, and Learning
Ritz Ardenete

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